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Hilary Kuhlmey - The Songbird Showcase "You Know I'm No Good" [Amy Winehouse Cover]
Hilary Kuhlmey - The Songbird Showcase "You Know I'm No Good" [Amy Winehouse Cover]
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Steffen 09.10.14 1,413 No Rating
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Raghul , 17. June 2015 um 13:35:07

Diane, that's the beauty of these they're so siplme and require no extra tools, yet look so beautiful! There was no mold, I just used a spoon to drop/pour the chocolate on to the sheet. If anything, it just takes an ounce of patience to do it carefully, but the perfect round circles will almost pour themselves. One of the tricks is that the top of your chocolate drops will have that little squiggle on top from the last of the chocolate dribbling off the spoon, but the sprinkles will hide it and you'll have professional looking nonpareils in no time!

Ewelina , 18. June 2015 um 08:28:23

Ich habe vor zwei Tagen die erste Folge gesehen und bin froh, das Buch <a href="http://mmsviy.com">voerhr</a> gelesen zu haben. Denn die Serie fe4ngt da an, wo das Buch aufgehf6rt hat. Ich fand das Buch jedoch viel krasser (bis jetzt) als die Serie.Ich bin auf Deine Meinung gespannt, liebe Klappentexterin!

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